After an intense morning of language instruction, our afternoon went by quickly. We had two guest lecturers present to us about the Roman/Hellenistic period and the Ottoman Empire, covering what little I remember from 9th grade social studies in 2 1/2 hours. Although I could recall that the hub of civilization was between the Tigris & Euphrates rivers (is that still a sure-thing question on the Regents exam even now?), everything else suddenly had such relevancy. In just a few short weeks, we'll actually be in the very places to which they referred: Myleas, Troy, Ephesus... We reviewed the series of Sultans during the Ottoman Empire and traced the Turks' patterns of conquest, which was fascinating. Did you know that during his reign from 1451-1481, Mehmed the
ople of Turkey: Muslims, Christians and Jews alike? That his successor Bayezid II invited the Spanish Jews to Turkey to escape persecution during the Inquisition in 1492? This is a far cry from the West's fundamentalist portrayal of the "Muslim World"...
After a break and a great meal at Z-Tejas Grill (happy birthday, Martha!), half the
group returned to the b&b and the other half ventured forth to find live music. 20 minutes and
So, now I can tell you that "az turkce biliyorum" and "tesekkuler" for reading. Bye!
Today's Pictures:
Remember the 1966 Texas University shooting that killed 16 people? There's the infamous tower...
This is the lobby of the Student Union, which apparently has quite the endowment.
See that tree? Yeah, that was a gift from the Dali Lama.
And here we are at Antone's, unwinding after a demanding day - me and my new friend
Wendy, a history/sociology/women's studies teacher... how cool is that?
Looks like you're having fun, while gearing up for the big trip. Enjoy Austin, before you have to get up at 3:30am Saturday!
ReplyDeleteMs.Fleming that sounds amazing. I'm rather surprised that you're going to the fertile crecent.And when in the world were you in texas!?!Sorry for so many questions but was your tirkish language class bringing you back to the days of french?(by the way I got a 95 on that regents but when Mme. Keller told me I had to go home and look it upbecause I didn't understand what number she told me). How long until you leave for your next desination?
ReplyDeleteoops! I read your blog backwards so I didn't relize where you were. By the way that writing book is working out great =)
ReplyDeleteCan I comment on a comment? I never understood French numbers either and that posting made me laugh out loud:) Sarah, looks like you are having a great time. I can't wait to see pictures of Turkey!